Monday, January 13, 2025

Don't Try To Get Revenge On Anyone


It's a fact. There are mean people in this world, and sometimes you 
might think revenge is a good idea, but revenge doesn't solve anything.
When you try to hurt someone because they've hurt you, you only hurt

When people hurt me or they're mean, I try to stay away from them (if
possible) or interact with them only when necessary. You will never 
win by trying to get back at someone. These people eventually do more
harm to themselves without you doing anything.

So if you've been wronged, don't try to get revenge. Put your energy 
into being the best person you can be.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Are You a Pushover?


Sometimes when you're friendly and you're a good person, some people
see you as someone they can take advantage of. They think you're weak
and they'll ask you for anything and everything.

It's perfectly fine to help people if you can, but if that help starts to put
a strain on you, that's when you know you've probably helped too much,
or someone's asked you for too much. Helping someone should make
you feel happy. If it doesn't, that's when you know something isn't right.
If you're a pushover you'll start feeling dread every time you see that 
person..."Here they go asking me for stuff!" Don't help people to the
point that it hurts you.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Do You Cause Drama For Yourself And Others?

If you cause drama for yourself and others are you really happy? A life
full of drama is never boring, but it's not gonna improve your life. 

If you do a lot of gossiping, that makes you look untrustworthy. If you 
complain all the time, it makes others not want to be around you. If
you hang out with shady people, don't expect them to make you happy.
If it feels like everyone is against you, ask yourself if you're spending
time with the wrong people. Real friends will try to lift you up. Caring
people won't put you down. Responsible people try to stay out of trou-
ble. Quality friends aren't mean and lazy. Kind people make you feel
happy. What type of person are you?

Can you imagine what life would be like if you surrounded yourself 
with people who only wanted the best for you? Turn it into reality...It's 
all up to you.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Today's a Good Day to Start Something New


Before I started this blog, about 12 years ago, I researched blogging
and how much work it was. I kept reading about how most people
abandon their blogs after six months. I decided I wasn't gonna be like
those people. That's why my blog is still here.

Today I want to motivate you to do something you really wanna do.
This could be something that's been on your mind awhile, or maybe
you just thought of it today. What ever it is, you have the power to start
it and accomplish it.

Sometimes you need to change the way you think, and when you do,
things begin to fall into place. If you want to change something, some-
times it's gonna happen slower than you want it to, but it will happen 
if you keep working on it.

When you feel a decline in motivation tell yourself to stay motivated,
because you deserve to be able to better yourself.

No matter where you are or what you're doing, today can be the day
you say to yourself..."I can improve my life if I really want to. I will
find the time. I will find the energy. I can do a little something every

Make a list of things you want to do. Find at least one item on the list
you want to start working on. Don't worry about how long it's gonna
take. Just do it!

Monday, April 10, 2023

10 Ways to Feel Better About Life

10 Ways to Feel Better About Life

1. Create a morning routine where you have time to eat, and relax
    before leaving the house.

2. Walk in the sunshine, or set by a window where you can feel the
    sun on your skin.

3. If you have a job you hate, research how to get your dream job.
    Then you can see what steps you need to take to start a career 
     you'll enjoy.

4. Stop hanging around people who make you feel bad about 

5. Find something fun and creative to do.

6. Don't let TV shows interfere with your sleep. Your sleep is 
    more important than any TV show.
7. Don't let social media interfere with your sleep. Create a sleep
    routine and stick to it, so you won't be drained in the morning.
    There's NOTHING on social media worth losing sleep over.

8. Listen to uplifting music.

9. Unfollow people on social media who have negative posts.

10. Be grateful for the things you have that bring you joy.