My son has picture day this week, and as I was looking over the picture
package choices, I was surprised by the retouching options. The option to
remove blemishes seemed innocent enough (although I survived 12 years
of school pictures with no retouching), but it was the other option that took
it too far for me. Now you can get your child's teeth whitened and skin tone
evened out as well. To me, this much retouching is too much.
These are school children taking pictures for a yearbook, not a magazine
spread. What happens when a child wants the retouching and the parent
can't afford the extra cost for the retouching? What if a parent has the photos
retouched without telling their child his photos would be retouched?
There's nothing wrong with wanting to look good in a picture, but removing
every imperfection is teaching children that they should look perfect and that
is just wrong.